We can't wait to get you on the trails.
Warda is on Highway 77 halfway between
La Grange (ten miles south) and Giddings (ten miles north)
Take Hwy. 77 South mark your odometer at the intersection of Hwy. 290 and 77, 9.5 miles to Warda. Turn East (left) on Owl Creek Road go 1/2 mile and turn left into the ranch at our red Bluff Creek Ranch sign. Please check-in at the ranch house first.
Take Hwy. 77 North mark your odometer at the intersection of Hwy 71 and 77, 10 miles to Warda. Turn East (right) on Owl Creek Rd. go 1/2 mile and turn left at our red Bluff Creek Ranch sign and drive up to the ranch house we will take care of you from there.
DFW is about four hours away. Take Interstate 35 South to Waco. On the south side of Waco turn east (left) onto Hwy 6 go approximately 2 miles then turn South (right) on Hwy 77 to Giddings and follow the directions from Giddings to Warda noted above.
The easiest way is to go east on Interstate 10 to Schulenburg TX. Turn North on Hwy. 77 to La grange and follow the directions from La Grange to Warda as noted above.
Take Hwy. 290 West to Giddings turns South (left) on Hwy. 77 and follow the directions from Giddings to Warda.
Take Interstate 10 West to Columbus turn North (right) on Hwy. 71 to La Grange. Turn North (right ) on Hwy 77 in La Grange and follow directions from La Grange to Warda as noted above.
Depending on what side of town you live in taking either Hwy's. 71 or 290 East to La Grange or Giddings respectively, and follow the directions above.
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